Sunday, April 4, 2010

In my mind...

I have a philosophical approach to life and this will be reflected in this post. So, practical guys, please Ctrl+W...

I have had my share of experiences in life which have truly baffled me and prompted some questions which are either answerable in many ways or just unanswerable.

I see people are always running for something. Women concerning to their own families and children busy with their little pranks. All throughout my life, I did not see one person just enjoying something and stops to savour it. I never saw anyone satisfied.

Have you guys ever thought about why you are living this life. Do you ever get fed up with the same shit we are doing over and over again when we know its all going to be lost forever?

Personally, I can't forget the fact that I am going to die ultimately. So, what's the point in working hard to make our life better, get our bank balances heavy. Is that all in this life?

These questions have haunted me for a long time and I was never able to find a just answer. I talked to saints(supposedly), rich businessmen, fathers and grandfathers and so on.

The best answer that I could get, was just by looking at a new born child. He is innocent and selfless. His eyes are looking at us in admiration. He seeks love and spreads joy to everyone. He acquires whatever we give to him and tries to make the best out of it. He never sees good as different from the bad as he does not have a reference. These bindings are created by us which only makes our life worse.

More loose response to such questions would be "Death is inevitable". We can't do anything about it. We have to make the best out of it so that our future generation can live better.

Let us think out of the box. What if death is not inevitable. What if we are overlooking many things which define the life of a person or a living being. Who in this world could ever imagine that a still hard tree is growing by itself. I am utmost fascinated by this world and seems to me a wonderland where everything is fancy and imaginative.

Chunks of rocks floating in space. Is that even imaginable? We talk about science and the "Big Bang Theory". I don't feel that we are even remotely aware of the complications of this space.

We are just trying to make us believe something and explaining it on basis of some observations. Are we sure of what we are seeing?

My text may seem a little awkward but if you think differently, there might be many things we don't know about and so we all are running towards whatever we understand.

I feel there is more to life than housing, food, clothing. Something more abstract, more subtle and not based on physical observations.

We are living to ...... I don't know. Do You?