Sunday, April 4, 2010

In my mind...

I have a philosophical approach to life and this will be reflected in this post. So, practical guys, please Ctrl+W...

I have had my share of experiences in life which have truly baffled me and prompted some questions which are either answerable in many ways or just unanswerable.

I see people are always running for something. Women concerning to their own families and children busy with their little pranks. All throughout my life, I did not see one person just enjoying something and stops to savour it. I never saw anyone satisfied.

Have you guys ever thought about why you are living this life. Do you ever get fed up with the same shit we are doing over and over again when we know its all going to be lost forever?

Personally, I can't forget the fact that I am going to die ultimately. So, what's the point in working hard to make our life better, get our bank balances heavy. Is that all in this life?

These questions have haunted me for a long time and I was never able to find a just answer. I talked to saints(supposedly), rich businessmen, fathers and grandfathers and so on.

The best answer that I could get, was just by looking at a new born child. He is innocent and selfless. His eyes are looking at us in admiration. He seeks love and spreads joy to everyone. He acquires whatever we give to him and tries to make the best out of it. He never sees good as different from the bad as he does not have a reference. These bindings are created by us which only makes our life worse.

More loose response to such questions would be "Death is inevitable". We can't do anything about it. We have to make the best out of it so that our future generation can live better.

Let us think out of the box. What if death is not inevitable. What if we are overlooking many things which define the life of a person or a living being. Who in this world could ever imagine that a still hard tree is growing by itself. I am utmost fascinated by this world and seems to me a wonderland where everything is fancy and imaginative.

Chunks of rocks floating in space. Is that even imaginable? We talk about science and the "Big Bang Theory". I don't feel that we are even remotely aware of the complications of this space.

We are just trying to make us believe something and explaining it on basis of some observations. Are we sure of what we are seeing?

My text may seem a little awkward but if you think differently, there might be many things we don't know about and so we all are running towards whatever we understand.

I feel there is more to life than housing, food, clothing. Something more abstract, more subtle and not based on physical observations.

We are living to ...... I don't know. Do You?


  1. nice man...very simply written. But I shall try to spare you the agony, even though I know you won't follow.

    It's pretty useless to think about 'meaning of life'..been there, done that. nothing comes out anyhow u try it.

    Instead think of it this way. Why does life need a purpose? Isn't living just enough. Have fun in your own way, make this the core of your beliefs.

    And ultimately you have to settle on some axioms, to get to any conclusions, to just proceed even.

  2. "Isn't living just enough"? This is a question I asked myself a long time back and the answer is still "NO".

    If I believe we are just a character playing a role and try to have fun with it, I might be able to lead a successful life but not a content life.

    Self-satisfaction is different for different people. If I have to play a role, I should know why am I a part of it and what I did which lead to such a drama?

    Your views will be accepted by 99% of the crowd and it is a more practical approach. But to me, It is hard to swallow.

    I don't know what I can do to solve this question but We can definitely try even if it means to stand out of the crowd.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hey mudit ..well written. its gud that u think beyond the ordinary people who pursue goals .."AIMLESSLY" nd eventually keep wondering what they actually wanted.theres no end to human desire.ur thots will eventually be fruitful .keep going

  5. I think people don't know what to look for. Thats why they are confused. They don't know what factors will actually make their life better. As all understand that having money can get them commodities, they run towards that. Once they understand the need for bigger, better things which might be abstract in nature, they will start running towards those things. Hence, the world will be better place to live without agony and war.

  6. MUDIT
    I have known you for a long time now. And i will give a detailed answer to your philosophical questions of life.If at any moment you feel cliched, without any respect press Ctrl+W...

    Lets begin with your quest and the tryst with IITs.It all began there and now you seem to be asking these rhetorics.For a year, IIT started to mean life for you and when you went there you got the reality check "Its nothing unusual".Your sense of life got a shock.This shock forced you to change your perception of life and you went in search for it.Obviously, u dint get the GYAN bcz der is no such gyan available.

    Its true we are playing a part of the play written by GOD without even knowing the parts, but that is what makes life interesting. What is the point in living like a BOT??

    Please remember man has created money for their convenience.We run after it because it pays for everything.It is what pays for your science,for your philosophy to be heard.I agree you did not see a person satisfied and you will never see one. Thats because SATISFACTION is synonymous to DEATH.Imagine a mother getting satisfied with her life and stops caring the baby which you have described as one seeking love and not getting that bcz her mother is satisfied with her life.That would lead to a commotion unimaginable.

    What you think as abstract is already there in the form of love of parents, innocence of a baby et al.Its for you to feel that.

    You think this will make you stand out of the crowd but my dear friend it is the same question which crores of poor and hungry people ask day and night to themselves. The only difference is they dont have a blog to express that.

    We are living to LOVE n LEARN...from nature, to nature and by nature...

  7. Pratish Bhai

    Perhaps you are right. Just writing a blog does not make me any different from millions of people who think similarly. We all are part of the same hypocrisy and we are doing things not really knowing why. I wrote this blog as I have a computer and internet. I don't know why.

    Your views are very natural and perhaps the best we all have. I have thought about all of this and I know I am also going to follow the same.

    Your statement, "What is the point in living like a BOT??" is quite right. But do you not think that we all are like bots. At some point or the other our fate is decided by someone else. We are guided to meet some requirements and we are supposed to follow then throughout our lives. I thought of searching for so called GYAN, as I wanted to get away from this hypocrisy which does not allow me to be free. My life seemed to be decided already.

    Anyways, I don't want to change ur opinion as i feel it is best to be like that. I am just pondering over someting else that might be in life which can change our perception.

    Satisfaction is synonymous to death. Perhaps it is the reason I am alive as I am not satisfied.

    I do love and learn with everybody, but does not seem to be working for me... People do betray and hurt. Life is fun when it is peaceful and soothing, not when somebody can die in an accident or a bomb blast.

    If life is so cheap, is it worth living?

    But still I feel You are right is your attitude. I just trying to find if there is anything else...

  8. Bhai, the question you have asked about the purpose of life, has been pondered by many philosophers + lay mans + many nobodies.

    But what makes the point interesting is that, when you transcend the fact that we are talking hypocritically, who asked the question.

    The question that, what makes life so interesting, has been one of the driving force for many great personalities in past, present and is also going to be in future.

    We see each other, respond, talk, cry, feel, emote, and do myriads of things. But something we forget is that, it all comes through something from which you have evolved and from whatever parameters you have confronted in your life. So do we understand human brain evolution well? "NO".

    Leave this brain for a while, we don't even understand how an insect perceives this world. And when I say an insect, make it synonymous to multitude of species on Earth or somewhere else. We don't even understand any "Mind or Matter", to explicitly say.

    Humans have engaged themselves in many forms of revolutions in past. Current one is Information revolution and is changing the way we have been perceiving our (I mean, just humans) lives. It is going to change. The change is going to change for a change. What is all this change, why is all this change, when is all this change, for whom is all this change, where is all this change, on what scale is all this change, and finally what is this change?

    I just mean to summarize that, we should be in constant endeavor to explain ourselves, everything around us (Nature, Universe), emotions, consciousness , human society, human evolution and myriads of other things, so that when we take our strange last breathe, we can take a deep sigh and say- "Atleast, I know something about where I was for my entire life".

    Of course, we are ought to be in the trap of all the characteristics we have been loaded with, since the time of ancient human ancestors. So, our (I mean, just humans to be precise) mind is essentially not free at all.
